Intro Track
Course Aim:
All incoming students will start their first semester with our 10-week Kaleo Intro Track*. This course will provide students with an introduction to core house of prayer theology and will also provide hands-on training on the IHOPKC Harp & Bowl model. Students will also be given opportunities and practical tools to help them grow as singers, musicians, worship leaders, and prayer leaders in our Kaleo worship team labs.
This 10-week Kaleo Intro Track is mandatory and must be completed in order to enroll in either of the Advanced Tracks - Prayer Track or Worship Track.
Course Content:
The Supreme Value of Prayer & Worship
The Necessity of Night & Day Prayer
Why Harp & Bowl and Where is it in the Bible?
Beholding Christ: Our Greatest Calling
Hands-On Application
The Importance of Humility and Inclusiveness
How to Pray-Read the Bible
How to Sing Your Prayers
The Value of Praying the Bible
Chord Progressions & Musical Dynamics in Prophetic moments
Learn to Communicate with your Worship Team
During the Kaleo Intro Track, students will be given the chance to choose from our different vocal/instrumental workshops: vocal, guitar, bass, keyboard, drums, etc. Students will get the opportunity to receive 2 one hour group lessons in the workshop of their choice.
Worship Team Labs
All Kaleo Intro Track students will be placed on worship teams where they will receive hands-on training and live feedback from our Kaleo worship team coaches.
*Classes will be taught in English and Cantonese (with Cantonese translation)