Kaleo - Prayer and Worship Training Center is a training program that endeavors to see Jesus exalted by equipping singers, musicians, and intercessors in Hong Kong.


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Exalting Jesus

We long to see Jesus exalted by believers in every sphere of society in Hong Kong.

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Equipping the saints

We strive to equip local believers through sound theological teaching and practical worship and prayer training.

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Cultivating Unity

We desire to provide a context for the deepening of relationships and cultivation of unity between churches and ministries throughout Hong Kong.

What God has started cannot be stopped...


God, from the beginning of time, has been writing a Story - a story of a people, a Bride, who would be with Him where He is and build His house. King David, a man named by God as the man after His own heart, established night and day worship in Israel that continued for decades. Since then there have been pockets of unceasing worship and prayer throughout the nations. From the sweltering deserts of North Africa to the rolling hills of Herrnhut, the "Sleepless Ones" prayed for God's resting place to be amongst them and the Moravian Lamp Stand burned for a hundred years. 

Today, the movement is stronger than ever with over 10,000 twenty-four-seven houses of prayer on the earth. It is a movement that has not waned, but has and will continue to expand until the culmination of redemptive history is fulfilled. Most of these prayer houses are hidden, not seen as valuable in the eyes of the world, but precious before the eyes of the Lord. This is where our story begins

God is looking for those who will sit at His feet like Mary of Bethany - those who will do the good part of seeking His face and sitting at His feet. This is a call, not limited to those in full-time ministry, but to all. He is raising up men and women who are after His heart from every sphere of society to establish night and day worship and prayer in Hong Kong. Jesus is worthy of unceasing praise from this city. He may even be calling you, in whatever season or occupation you may be in, to join the story that He has been writing since before the foundations of the world.